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Williams Elementary School History

In 1996, Bill L. Williams Elementary School was dedicated, opening its doors in the fall. The new school was named for the recently retired superintendent who was so instrumental in administering the construction of many district facilities during his superintendency. Chris Beck, from Castle Elementary School, was appointed the principal. 

Dr. Williams earned Bachelor of Arts and Master's degrees at Fresno State College. He received his Doctorate at the University of Southern California. He began his career in education as a teacher in the Fresno area. After three years, he returned to Bakersfield and worked as a teacher, principal, and assistant superintendent in the Greenfield School District. In 1979 after spending two years as the superintendent of Taft City School District, Dr Williams was selected to serve as the District's third Superintendent. Dr. Williams retired in 1994 after devoting 37 years of his life to education. 

During his fifteen-year tenure, Dr Williams was instrumental in:

  • Initiating the Panama Education Foundation…a non-profit organization to promote financial assistance for district housing of students. 
  • Overseeing the passage of a major bond issue which was overwhelmingly passed, providing the district with added funding necessary to build multipurpose/cafeterias on all School sites where they were needed.
  • Setting up an extended daycare program for district students. 
  • Administering the construction of gymnasiums to three existing Junior High sites; the construction of five elementary sites, Laurelglen, Sing Lum, Hart, McAuliffe, and Loudon; the construction of two Junior High sites, Tevis and Warren; and the construction of a new site for the District Office including annexes, Special Services, District Office East, Transportation and Warehouse facilities.
  • The merging of the Buena Vista and Panama Union School Districts to form the Panama-Buena Vista Union School district. 

Retired District Superintendent Bill Williams leads the ceremonies for the district’s fourteenth elementary school groundbreaking.